January 23, 2022

How Does OffGamers Support Your Content On Social Media

Marketing has changed a lot, instead of promotional ads being placed on roadside billboards or television, marketing has found its new home on the Internet; more specifically on social media platforms. As such, OffGamers have been integrating social media when marketing their products and services. For instance, the social media platforms that OffGamers is currently using for their campaigns and events include, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube which we are able to cater to the relevant audience.Plus, here’s how we populate our content on these platforms.

Placement of Seasonal Campaigns’ Ads

On a monthly basis and for special occasions like Christmas and double date events, OffGamers will host campaigns that feature generous discounts and promotions. These events will be promoted on OffGamers’ official Facebook and Twitter page stating the campaigns’ benefits and rewards. And when the events are concluded, extensive reports will be carried out, detailing the performance of the campaign. As such, the OffGamers team would have a sound understanding of what might help or hinder future campaigns.

Social Media Content That Focuses On Audience Interaction

A campaign without any interaction with its audience can seem a little dull. From time-to-time, OffGamers would have events that emphasise on audience engagement. An example to illustrate this would be the Genshin Impact Primogems (a form of in-game currency) giveaway where we ask players to comment, tag their friends and like OffGamers’ social media page for a chance to earn these gems. This interactive campaign will not only help gauge if the product is performing well but also gives insight to whether the audience base of OffGamers is active or not.

Content Variation On Different Social Platforms

Content diversity is also very important when it comes to marketing. We can all no longer get away with just putting up a social post or a tweet shouting our campaigns. Despite the adage “less is more”, customers want more. Hence, OffGamers will distribute its promotional content in various media. On the OffGamers’ blog, there will be written content detailing all important aspects of the campaign with backlinks that lead back to the promo page. Live streams are also one of the marketing tools for OffGamers. Be it on Facebook Live or on Twitch, OffGamers has a variety of KOLs that will help promote the campaign during their streams. As for videos, the primary platform that OffGamers use would be YouTube but currently has been leaning more towards TikTok as the audience and content there are more recent and current.

Final Note

A brands’ presence on social media is imperative in the current digital climate that is ever-changing, OffGamers believes that the effort in helping its partners’ products grow on social media is a progressive and ongoing process.As such, the process is also a continuous learning adventure that might require change in how OffGamers market products on these social media platforms. Nevertheless, despite social media marketing’s volatility, as gamers themselves, OffGamers will always try to be ahead of the curve or better yet, set the social media trend among the gaming community themselves.

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